
Who or what this creature is is a complete mystery! What is known is that it appears to be some sort of enchanted construct, like a golem or an automaton. The level of mastery it takes to create something of this size is considerable. Whoever had a hand in it's construction almost certainly has some huge stakes in it.
Magic hasn't changed the streets too much. Gangs still vie for control of their neighborhoods, but now the stakes are higher. They guard their territory and their "Line" (leyline) fiercely to prevent rivals from tapping into it or corrupting it. A Line can prove the difference between having a territory and holding it.
Spirits can be found everywhere if you know where to look for them. Their origins are a thing of constant debate. Some believe they are the embodiment of their natural surroundings. Others believe they are departed souls that linger in our world and are changed by it. Thales could care less about the speculation. It enjoys it's freedom, and will do whatever it can to maintain it.
Magic hasn't changed the streets too much. Gangs still vie for control of their neighborhoods, but now the stakes are higher. They guard their territory and their "Line" (leyline) fiercely to prevent rivals from tapping into it or corrupting it. A Line can prove the difference between having a territory and holding it.
Magic has been embraced on the streets. Many of the local street gangs have a wizard or witch among their numbers. The Demon Lords are no different. Someone like Twist, a "Crafter", enjoys quite a bit of freedom and respect because of the power he controls.
Dos is a vicious and cruel boss. He’s a lean predator that relies on intimidation and brute force to keep his position. Only Twist truly enjoys his respect probably because the ganger is secretly terrified of magic.
Loco is the resident pyscho. She’s a girl of few words and driven to action when it's time to fight. It’s obvious that something broke in Loco long ago, and she seems perfectly okay with that.
Poco is the beefy muscle of the Demons. Built thick and stocky, he could easily take Dos in a fight if he were inclined to. He’s a follower at heart and unquestioningly loyal to Dos. He is quick to joke, but can turn all business when he has to.