What just happened...
We recently recorded voices for Creepy (Kim Tillman), Twist Joey Richter) and Thales (Zachary Shore). Hopefully you have seen our video footage on our Facebook page.
Also if you havent stopped by the website yet what are you waiting for?! BookOfMojo.com has gotten a major face lift!
Our campaign to make the book of Mojo webcomic into a 3D animated pilot has launched and we could not be more excited! JHead over to our Indiegogo campaign page to see our all-star team of artists and contributors alike. We've got some awesome perks that we're so glad to finally share with you including a Book of Mojo artbook, a "Twist" replica mask and even a mentoring session with Mojo creator and director Everett Downing.
we're about to release Book of Mojo Vol 2 as a webcomic, so now is the thime to catch up on Volume 1 if you havent already.